Month: August 2013
Federal government eases stance on marijuana
By Joe Mozingo, Ari Bloomekatz and David G. SavageAugust 29, 2013, 7:25 p.m. In a significant policy shift by the Obama administration, Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. signaled Thursday that the federal government would no longer interfere in states that allowed commercial marijuana sales as long as they were strictly regulated. The move comes two years after
More states likely to change pot rules, both sides say
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, left, is joined by state Atty. Gen. Bob Ferguson at a news conference to discuss the federal government’s decision not to interfere with marijuana laws in Washington and Colorado. (Rachel La Corte / Associated Press / August 29, 2013)SEATTLE — When the Justice Department announced Thursday that it would not interfere with the enforcement of
‘I Apologize,’ Says Former Opponent of Medical Marijuana
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta admits there’s no science behind the war on marijuana. Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently published an essay rescinding his previous attacks on medical marijuana. (Cubie King / Wikimedia Commons) Gupta admitted to making an assumption that is all too prevalent in 21st-century journalism: He simply trusted the federal government without verifying whether
Study: Cannabis beneficial to cancer patients
Hospital study finds that using cannabis reduces suffering from cancer and from side effects of cancer treatments • Use of cannabis for palliative treatment should be advanced, study recommends. Meital Yasur Beit-Or AP | Photo credit: Medical marijuana “cigarettes” Researchers from Haifa’s Rambam Hospital have recommended increasing the usage of cannabis for cancer patients suffering
Massachusetts: The Department of Health Receives 181 Dispensary License Applications
The competition to land one of 35 medical marijuana dispensary licenses that the state of Massachusetts will allow is underway. The Department of Public Health received a total of 181 applications that they’re currently reviewing to determine which of the contenders will obtain a license to dispense marijuana for medicinal dedications in the state. The list of
In Washington and Colorado, the Real Fight Will Come Down to Marijuana Businesses
Nearly 10 months after Colorado and Washington state legalized the use and sale of recreational marijuana, Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy announced Monday that he’s invited Attorney General Eric Holder and Deputy Attorney General James Cole to testify at a September 10 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Specifically, Leahy wants Holder and Cole to answer questions about “whether it is
Marijuana not harmless to adolescents
The nature of the teenage brain makes the use of cannabis among this population particularly risky for developing addictive behaviours, according to reThe nature of the teenage brain makes users of cannabis amongst this population particularly at risk of developing addictive behaviours and suffering other long-term negative effects, according to researchers at the University of Montreal and New York’s
Senate leader wants legal marijuana hearing next month
Senator Patrick Leahy wants to clear the air in the debate between states and the federal government over the legal use of marijuana, in what could be a significant hearing on the issue in September. Source: United States Fish and Wildlife Service On Monday, Leahy was reserving the oversized hearing room in the Hart Senate Office
Medical Marijuana In Connecticut: Getting Down To Details
Can medical marijuana distributors advertise their product? (Yes, but with certain restrictions). How much can they charge? (Market forces will determine prices). These are just a few of the issues addressed in the 76 pages of regulations for the state’s new medical marijuana program. Tuesday, the General Assembly’s regulation review committee is expected to decide whether the
Medical marijuana industry draws interest, and caution abounds
When Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill earlier this month that will legalize medical marijuana in Illinois, it opened up a new industry to legitimate investment in the state, albeit an industry that is still illegal under federal law and thus carries a unique risk. According to a report by the Chicago Tribune, more than 200 people paid as
Watch out for medical marijuana investment scams
What’s that old saw about making sure something passes the smell test before putting your money on the line? So if you sense a little odd aroma around a text or e-mail that touts the next hot stock, make sure to hold onto your checkbook. That’s right, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority issued a warning
Israel’s cannabis scientist
JERUSALEM — An award-winning professor of medicinal chemistry and natural products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Raphael Mechoulam is a trim gentleman who wears tweed jackets and silk scarves. He is no slacker. At 82, he still works full-time. Despite Mechoulam’s respectability, his greatest fame stems from two scientific breakthroughs that may earn him a warm welcome among
CNN Trying to Stop Strain of Marijuana Being Named for Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Boulder dispensary says it will keep the name for now Aug 26, 2013, 9:50 am EDT | By Burke Speaker, Investorplace Writer A medical marijuana dispensary in Colorado is being told by CNN that its lighthearted humor in naming a strain of weed after Dr. Sanjay Gupta is no laughing matter. The cable news giant, owned by Time Warner (TWX),
Vineyard Medical Marijuana Group Seeks Off-Island Pot Farm
“We have determined that the seasonal economy of Martha’s Vineyard cannot support a growing facility,” according to Mike Mahoney, attorney for a group applying for three medical marijuana dispensary permits in Dukes and Barnstable counties. Posted by Louisa Hufstader (Editor) , August 26, 2013 at 10:07 AM Comment Recommend The principal named in the Kingsbury Group application is Mark
Biz, labor support tax on recreational marijuana
But medical pot attorney Corry is not high on proposal 8/26/2013 By Peter Marcus THE COLORADO STATESMAN With less than three months before Colorado voters decide whether to tax recreational marijuana for schools and enforcement, proponents are only just sparking the proposition. But the Committee for Responsible Regulation is not too worried. Its last polling in
What to tell your child about marijuana
Marijuana-use issues for children should not be confused with the freedom-of-choice debate for adults. As with tobacco, most users start young, when they are vulnerable and don’t understand the risks. I never met a cigarette smoker who was glad he or she had that first butt. As parents, we want to protect our children, but
Frankie got around smoking law; now he offers private pot spot
By JOHN M. GLIONNA — Los Angeles Times Olympia tavern owner Frankie Schnarr takes a long draw from his bottle of Coors Light and scans his sports bar, listening to billiard balls rattle and a pinball machine explode with points. Cassie Hickam smokes marijuana at Frankie’s Sports Bar and Grill in Olympia. State law makes it
Marc Emery’s Prison Blog About Toking With Justin Trudeau
This prison blog is in response to the recent media coverage of Liberal Party of Canada leader Justin Trudeau and his comments about smoking pot with Marc Emery (see links at bottom of post). The following is Marc’s clarification about what really happened. Back in summer 2009 I was going across Canada on a “Farewell
America’s Stoned Kids: guinea pigs of cannabis legalisation
Denver, the setting of this spliffy documentary, is The Mile High City in more ways than one Professor John Marsden. Photograph: Unknown/BBC Marijuana use on TV has been growing like hydroponic plants under fluorescent light and a Baby Bio sprinkler. Back in finger-waggy 1990, we had a preachy one-off spesh called Cartoon All-Stars To The
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