What should federal role be in regulating pot? #tellusatoday

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We asked our followers on Twitter what role the federal government should have in regulating marijuana. Comments are edited for clarity and grammar:

The U.S. government should turn the marijuana issue over to the states. They have the most to gain or lose from it.

— @RadioEPTL

Federal government should tax legal marijuana sales to fund substance abuse prevention and education.

— @tomangell

The feds should stay out of the regulation of marijuana and let states make their rules and regs.

— @GrantH5185

The government should have the same role in regulating marijuana that it has in regulating liquor and prescription drugs.

— @Robby_Rob_S

It should use the guidelines states that legalized marijuana have set up.

— @y_doc_senoj91

Legalize it and regulate like alcohol or tobacco.

— @WillCMc

The government should provide education and fully legalize marijuana.

— @chaos2peace2010


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